Friday, September 19, 2008

The Repressives Challenge the Utilities

Our couple take a stance against modern utilities.
Make sure you read their introductory story, below, first!
Also, I apologize for the paragraph spacing, but the two Repressives story's are bugged, and I can't get them to have normal spacing. It occurs to me I may have to learn HTML to fix it. NOOOoooooooo!

The Repressives Challenge The Utilities

"Good evening Clod," commented Prissensia, her eyes focused on her hands as her dexterous fingers wove the intricate dance that was knitting. She was making candle-cozys for their many solid-brass candlesticks.
Clod waggled his mustachio as a pleasant response. The evening post was carefully laid out next to his recliner, and he collapsed into it, letting the fireplace warm him.

"Indeed, my good lady-wife," replied Clod. "And how are you, this fine evening? Is your consumption treating you well?"
"Oh, excellently, my dear husband. I've stained three handkerchiefs already today. I'll have to make some more to keep up."
"Charming, charming," replied Clod. "Let's see what's in the paper today. Mmm. yes. Interesting. It looks like the Higgins's blew themselves up today. Another gas lighting incident. It seems Biffy Higgins was trying to heat the boiler and his beagle terrier mistook his coat-tails for a chew-toy. The dog bit his butt, and he knocked the boiler over, and the whole thing exploded!"

"Oh dear," said Prissy, looking at her pattern.

"Yes. Almost as terrible as the Winston's incinerating their three-story last Wednesday when their cat's velvet coat caught fire, or the Brigands's town-house exploding the week before when their parakeet flew right into the gas oven and then detonated. That one took out a whole city block."

"Shocking," replied Prissy as she assessed how much yarn she had left. "I"m so glad we don't have gas or pets," she said thoughtfully. "Modern conveniences are such a burden."

"Well, exactly." Clod flipped the pages

"I do wish those Reprehensibles would blow themselves up, though. This is the third time Chastity Reprehensible has invited me to tea, and not had smelling salts on hand when I needed to revive from fainting. They are the social pariahs of our block," said Prissy, frowning slightly.

"All in good time, dear. All in good time. Speaking of which, it's time to make toilet." Clod set his paper down, and got up and walked over to the corner. Micturation was soon in progress.

"Clod, that's the spittoon. The chamber pot is in the kitchen."

"Oh, yes. I keep forgetting. Is it free? Or are there still dishes to be washed?"

Sunday, September 14, 2008

The Repressives

And now for a short, satirical interlude:

The Repressives
Clod Repressive sat down to the small, round table, overflowing with flowered china, scones, and lemon curd, and nodded to his good lady-wife, but never took his eyes off the neatly folded and pressed London Times that was set at his place.
"Good morning, Prissensia. I hope the day finds you well." Clod waggled his mustachio slightly in anticipation of the day's news.
"Yes, Clod, it does. Thank you. I notice you are one and one-half minutes late in breaking your fast. Is something amiss?" Prissy never took her eyes off the cup of tea she was delicately sipping, pinkie properly pointing at a near right angle to her other digits.
"I beg your forgiveness, dear lady-wife. Mullberry aligned my shoes improperly, and I nearly tripped over a spat. Remind me to bring it up with him later."
"Of course. I noticed he neglected to polish your penny collection this month. Do you think we should dock his pay?" Prissy set her tea-cup down, and broke off a piece of a scone, about the size of her thumb. She then took a butter knife and placed a tiny sliver of butter onto the oversized crumb and a pin-head sized dollop of marmalade on it, as well. Prissy brought the scone up to her nose and breathed deeply, savoring its smell, her nostrils fluttering slightly. Then she dropped it into the trash.
"Miss Veritable has done an excellent job with the scones, this morning," noted Prissensia. It was, of course, a pity that her corset precluded actually eating anything.
"Indeed," agreed Clod. "Have you seen the notice in the paper? Victoria Williams is engaged to Percival Armsmatter. The wedding is expected this spring. I was under the impression her parents were sending her to a convent."
"They did. Father Armsmatter was the priest who sponsored her. Apparently she gives very inspiring confessions." Prissy swept some crumbs off the pure white linen table cloth, and sprinkled them into the trash.
"I see. Speaking of which, would you like to procreate this morning?" mentioned Clod as he poured over the financial section.
"Oh, I don't see why not."
"So, what should we get the couple?" commented Clod as he straightend his tie.
"Oh, I believe a solid silver sauce separator should meet the required standards," replied Prissy as she adjusted her feather hat, slightly.
"Splendid idea," concluded Clod. "Splendid."

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Fantasies of Steel and Sorcery Part 1

For my next foray into point-the-dart-at-the-wall-and-choose-a-topic style essays, I'm going to plunge into TWO, yes TWO of my favorite virtual worlds: Harry Potter (HP) and Star Wars (SW). After this, there can be no doubt whatsoever that I am a nerd, a HUGE nerd, and in all other respects and instances a nerd (though I don't wear glasses, own a PDA, or own a bike with a banana seat - it was, unfortunately, stolen a long time ago).

First let me describe the most important "good" thing the two universes have in common: namely that sublime desire in many of us to be a hero/villain and a super hero/super villain. Let me explain that differentiation in a generalized way.

Hero's, of course, can be regular people doing exceptional work, like saving others from burning buildings and the like, while the regular villain is the one starting those fires with can of gasline and a lit cigarette. SW hero's can wise and meditative, like Yoda, or rash and ominous, like Vader. HP hero's are pure, true, and impulsive, while their villains are irritable and irreflective.

Super hero's, on the other hand, not only save people from burning buildings, but do so in miraculous and often over-the-top ways: doing double flips up the side of the building, flying through the window, karate chopping three anonymous villains inside, and finally carrying out three cats, two dogs, and a goldfish to safety - all of which they manage without breaking a sweat or tearing their tights.

A super villain, on the other hand, detonates 14 bombs in 14 buildings simultaneously with the power of his mind, while dueling 3 virtuous teenagers, giving an expository monologue about his grand world-conquered schemes, chastising his incompetent lackeys, and feeding expendable subplot characters to his evil pet.

We all know these archetypes from watching movies and that illuminating documentary with Joseph Campbell that PBS is always shoving our way. BOTH the HP and SW universes give us the opportunity to visualize ourselves as both doers of actions, and performers of great actions. I mean, who wouldn't want to run around with a lightsaber or wand and have cool things happen to us and from us all the time?

That said, let us plunge into the pro's and con's of each world.

Star Wars: The Good, The Bad, and the Poorly Written.

The Pros:

Great villains like Darth Sidious, Darth Vader, and Asajj Ventress. Great classic hero's like Obi-wan Kenobi and Yoda. Wonderfully prissy and head-strong robots. Great lightsaber battles. Emotionally strong women who fight along side the men (and who usually have the better ideas and more common sense). A story where the technology of the universe is subservient to the plot rather than the reverse, as in Star Trek. Great outfits. Darth Vader's heavy breathing. Aliens that look alien (unlike Star Trek where they just have different prosthetic foreheads). Cool puppetry like Jabba the Hutt. Cool visual effects and monsters, as in the Sando Aqua Monster from EPI or the Rancor from EPVI. Lightsabers. Double-bladed lightsabers. Neat environments used for filming.

The Cons: George Lucas's ability to direct or write well. I hear he's an excellent producer, and frankly, I think he should stick to that. The dialogue he writes is all expository statements that don't explain anything, are ever backed up, or even fit with the scene: "Don't over/underestimate ___" "Do not assume ___, or ___ assumes too much" "___ is strong/weak in the Force." * Jar Jar Binks - Worst. Animated. Character. EVER. What the hell does "Mmm, Maxi bid the Force. Well that smell stinkawith," mean? * The Darth Sidious/Palpatine idea. When, exactly, does first a senator and then a Supreme Chancellor have time to also run a Sith Empire? Never mind the issues of communications (does he just hide his Sith cloak in a desk drawer, and pop it on when needed?), but how can someone in such a position of public scrutiny also run both sides of the war AND train his various apprentices? And how can he spend all his time hanging out with top Master Jedi without them even realizing he's responsible for the "disturbance" in the Force which, ironically, prevents them from sensing he's a Sith, in the Force? Surely proximity is meaningful in the Force. * Lightsabers - although incredibly cool, they are completely impractical, since any mistake in their use would result in lopped off appendages, AND more importantly, they have no handle guard. As anyone who has taken fencing lessons, the most important part of the saber/epee/foil is the guard. It prevents the opponent's sword from sliding down and lopping off your hand. Double bladed light sabers - neat to look at, but vastly inferior to a single blade when used on multiple foes. While there is a slight advantage when used against one opponent, wielding a single bladed saber, because you can trap their blade below yours and repost with the other end of yours, against more than one opponent having what is essentially a staff is a huge liability. One end of the saber must always be exactly opposite the other, meaning that the position of one end is always predictable, and useless for parrying anything. Additionally there is the huge "dead space" where the handle of the saber is that must be protected and can't be used either offensively OR defensively since it is not immune to a lightsaber strike. I believe that were the SW universe real, all Sith would double-wield single-bladed lightsabers, allowing them to strike two places at once, or multiple opponents at once. * Throw-away villains. A villain who doesn't accomplish anything isn't evil, but just sad. Darth Maul - kills one Jedi Master, and then gets sliced in two by a Padawan. mmm. did the Force just fail to tell him what Obi-wan was about to do? And General Grievous - very cool in the animated series, but in the prequels . . . a coughing coward who skitters from scene to scene, accomplishing NOTHING. Evil or otherwise. * Whiny Luke. Whiny Anakin. Dense Anakin. Dense Anakin's dialogue and unconvincing switch to the dark side. And on and on and on . . .

And now for a little insight and revelation . . . . . . Take a breath. Relax!

According to Lucas, the overarching theme of the whole series is: 1. Redemption, 2. The relationships in families, 3. The way people will trade their freedoms for security in troubled times, and 4. The way low-tech societies can defy and even defeat high-tech ones.

I want to add a fifth overarching idea to this panel, and it is one that explains the "balance/imbalance of the force" that Anakins is supposedly born to rectify. This is my own pet theory, based on not only watching the movies many times and reading the novels, but also looking at and reading the visual dictionaries.

First, let me state that the Jedi and/or Sith are NOT the Force, and are therefore not it's imbalance. The Force is all life, and all sentience in the Galaxy. The Jedi and Sith are merely two groups of individuals who are unusually sensitive to it. Therefore, when it's stated that there is an "imbalance in the Force", it does not, in fact, have anything to do with how many or how few Jedi or Sith there are.

If you read the visual dictionaries, which are based directly on the movies, you learn that, at the time of the Clone Wars, the vast majority of Republic citizens were being crushed under the iron heal of galactic corporations and burdensome bureaucratic dictates, to the degree that millions of Coruscanti's were fleeing the capitol world every day, in search of new prospects. Poverty and suffering were the norm.

Where once the Republic promised peace and equality for all, the Senate now supported corruption and attrition of worker rights, in favor of subsides to the wealthy IBC or Trade Federation. Since, by mass, this was the plight of the majority of sentient being's experience at that time, and it is much more likely that it is their suffering that is the "imbalance of the Force" rather than the goings-on of the Jedi and Sith, and that it is this state of affairs that needs to be rectified.

How? By the Force itself using both the Sith and the Jedi to destroy the decaying Old Republic, installing a totalitarian regime where everyone suffers equally, and then once people have come to yern for freedom and liberty, destroy that Empire and replace it with a New Republic. Which is exactly what happens.

Now, may purists will point out that the Sith do not get used by the Force, but rather they use the Force for their own ends. However, this is fallacious. By using the Force at all, to see into the future, gauge the outcomes of events and fortunes, and relying on it for intuition, the Sith place themselves in the hands of the Force's designs just as surely as the Jedi do. It is my belief that balance of the Force uses both sides, and both the Sith and the Jedi to achieve its goals, and makes the Force consiquently far more mysterious than either group traditional perception of it.

And so, my theme addition is this: 5. Those who forget to value the essential qualities of Democracy are doomed to loose it. Once anyone takes for granted their freedoms, and does nothing to maintain them, they will, eventually, see them sold away, by politicians and leaders who have their own self-interest at heart.

It happens every day in RL. We see utilities being deregulated, banking being deregulated, unions being weakened . . . all for the sake of multi-national corporations making more money for their share-holders and CEOs. Regulations of corporations are critical for maintaining the freedom of regular people to have basic necessities: coroporations have no inherent conscience, and would gladly squeeze everyone for every penny that they can get, esp when it's someing as ubiquitous and vital as a utility. And unions, similarly, came about to give workers the right to a voice within the workplace, and a modicum of leverage to decide their own fates. Now, in many corporations, people are fired for so much as mentioning unionization. Hundreds of people in America died for the right to form unions, now no one cares . . . .

But enough of my complaining . . .

Next time, Part II:

Harry Potter: The Good, The Bad, and The Irritable.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

"Always know your audience"

So, as my second post, I was wondering to myself . . . to whom are these posts being written?

Myself? Yes, mostly. To you, the random web troller who found this by pure chance? Possibly.

One never knows who is going to come across a particular web-page, unlike a traditional publication which has a target audience and legions of designers and advertising agents to seduce said audience.

In fact, I really don't know who, if anyone, will read these. So, i'm not going to worry about it to much, and simply stick to my blog's title. If I can be a paragon of eclectic and randomly exposed interests, then I think my charter has been fulfilled.

In that vein, one of my major interests in this stage of my life is . . . . TYPOGRAPHY. mmmm fonts. I love fonts. Thousands to see, use and enjoy. Dozens of sights to visit. And, as fetishes go, it's an easy one to fulfill. We are surrounded by fonts. Every billboard, sandwich wrapper, or piece of newsprint is just oozing with fonts, and yet even as they drip all over the place, like melted ice-cream, they are an art form that is almost transparent, because we tend to pay attention to what they convey rather than the font itself.

The other day at work, I told a co-worker that my favorite font was High Tower Text. He asked, "why"? And really, the only good answer I had was . . . "because". However, I could, in visual form, convey the why of it fairly easily. So here is some elementary typographic art:

Some of my favorite current sites related to typography are:, and on a somewhat related issue,, for those of you who know about the battle between the two big publishing software giants.

I think that's all for now.


ps. this blog apparently is defaulted to Georgia font, and my other choices are soooo unacceptable, so, I'm stuck with it, I'm afraid.

Saturday, July 19, 2008


So, to start this blog off with a bang, I'll start of with a diatribe on that most volatile of subjects: war? no. politics? no. religion? no. Paris Hilton's rap sheet? YES! I mean, no.

No, the subject I will broach today is MARRIAGE. omg. RUN!

You see, the love-of-my-life, the man I simply could never have (because I'm gay and he's straight), is getting married today. Whom to? Well, an elementary school teacher type. Enough said, I think.

But my point in bringing this up is not some mopey, tragic unrequited love story (bleh) but rather the question, what is the point of marriage?

Like all things social, marriage is a fictional institution created by human beings to serve a specific purpose, ie. binding two people, usually a man and a woman, together, until "death do they part". No social reality is a "truth". If it were, there'd be no variation between societies what-so-ever. Therefore, weddings, like everything else, is just made up. And, in its original form, it's a fairly restrictive "made-up".

Restrictive in that it usually carried harsh punishments for infidelity or barrenness for the woman, and restrictiveness on the man in case he was obliged to marry some bitter, ugly shrew of a wife. In many ways, marriage traditionally just served to foist a woman, whom through most of history was seen as less of a person and more of an house-cleaning/sex slave/baby breeding unit, onto the household of someone other than her parents. However, in today's world where women are recognized as actual human beings, marriage is no longer a contractual way of shuffling women around, but rather a choice made between two people to officially bunk up together under the protection of the law.

But, even so, what does this accomplish? Legally, there are rights and privileges to be accrued of course, such as tax incentives and hospital visiting rights. And socially, there's the simple cache of being to talk about "the ol' ball'n'chain" as something you have that other's might not have. But PERSONALLY, what does marriage accomplish?

Sex? No. No one but a nun or a Mormon would think you have to be married to have sex, now adays. Love? It would be a sad person who refused to feel love for you without the promise of a diamond ring. Commitment? Nope. Plenty of people live together for years and years, quite committed to eachother. Children? Nope. You can have as many of them as you like, without ever having to tie the knot. Heck you can buy them by the dozen from several south-east Asian countries, wet-nurse included.

And, as we all know, marriages don't tend to last long. Which begs the question, why spend all that time and money on some huge ceremony when you'll just get divorced several years later and then have to start over from the beginning? I, frankly, don't understand it.

Admittedly, being gay, I've never felt like I *have to get married, and until recently, being a Californian, I couldn't even if I wanted to. But I suppose at the root of it, huge fussy dresses and stale white cakes mounded with frosting simply fail to stimulate me. Perhaps I'm not feminine enough. I dunno.

Frankly, the old days of two young people, in love, unable to marry but desperately wanting to, ala Romeo and Juliette, is a quaint relic of a bygone age. In fact, it now takes some doing to get married. The cost - prohibitive. The loss of freedom - very scary. The complexity - overwhelming (bridezillas, case in point).

So, all in all, I'd say marriage is a strange, fetish sort of ritual, very much outdated, and seemingly both unnecessary AND unrespected. Perhaps it's time to create a new, more worthwhile ceremony. One that people actual stick with, and appreciate.

ps. I spell eachother automatically, instinctively, and purposely as one word. Because, let's face it, we need -e a c h o t h e r- more and more. We are our brother's keeper, after all.