Saturday, August 9, 2008

"Always know your audience"

So, as my second post, I was wondering to myself . . . to whom are these posts being written?

Myself? Yes, mostly. To you, the random web troller who found this by pure chance? Possibly.

One never knows who is going to come across a particular web-page, unlike a traditional publication which has a target audience and legions of designers and advertising agents to seduce said audience.

In fact, I really don't know who, if anyone, will read these. So, i'm not going to worry about it to much, and simply stick to my blog's title. If I can be a paragon of eclectic and randomly exposed interests, then I think my charter has been fulfilled.

In that vein, one of my major interests in this stage of my life is . . . . TYPOGRAPHY. mmmm fonts. I love fonts. Thousands to see, use and enjoy. Dozens of sights to visit. And, as fetishes go, it's an easy one to fulfill. We are surrounded by fonts. Every billboard, sandwich wrapper, or piece of newsprint is just oozing with fonts, and yet even as they drip all over the place, like melted ice-cream, they are an art form that is almost transparent, because we tend to pay attention to what they convey rather than the font itself.

The other day at work, I told a co-worker that my favorite font was High Tower Text. He asked, "why"? And really, the only good answer I had was . . . "because". However, I could, in visual form, convey the why of it fairly easily. So here is some elementary typographic art:

Some of my favorite current sites related to typography are:, and on a somewhat related issue,, for those of you who know about the battle between the two big publishing software giants.

I think that's all for now.


ps. this blog apparently is defaulted to Georgia font, and my other choices are soooo unacceptable, so, I'm stuck with it, I'm afraid.